About EverydayMFL

The vision for this blog was to create something that MFL teachers can use.  My hope is that the ideas are practical, adaptable and easy to use in your classroom.  Perhaps, you will stumble across something you have never tried before that inspires and enthuses your students.  Maybe, you will happen upon an idea long forgotten.  Alternatively it might just be that something on here sparks your imagination and creativity into life.

Ultimately, I want to be the best MFL teacher I can be and my students deserve nothing less than my best efforts.  I still have a long way to go in that aim. If I can help others in doing the same and students nationwide benefit then this blog will be worth it.

Views expressed on this site are entirely my own and not representative of my employer.

Please note whilst the blog posts might be titled “ideas for teaching…”, a number of ideas will come from other teachers, resources I have seen on TES and other websites.  If you see something familiar then that is because I have learnt from you or someone else who does the same thing.  Be encouraged because only the good stuff is going on this website.  Where credit to certain people for an idea is known then it will be credited to that person.  If you see something that sounds like your idea and you really do not want it on the site then please email me and I will happily remove it.  The same goes for pictures, links to TES resources and Youtube videos.

3 thoughts on “About EverydayMFL

  1. Pingback: Summer is here | Everyday MFL

  2. Pingback: Blogging for Languages | Everyday MFL

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